Sunday, March 4, 2012


this week was quite eventful and busy. I moved out to Centreville, bought a laptop so that I can record music more often and practise more because I can record and then review what I've done and the mistakes I can fix. I really like to use mixcraft because you can use different effects for vocals or the instrumentals. I especially like this program because I can alter my voice, as I am not able to hit certain high notes. also, my guitar is broken :/. I need to repair it and then I can string it.for now I will use the guitar that is here. I intend to write more lyrics and music. I have three mics now so there is no excuse for me to not to be able to keep recording and possibly posting some of it. I will go and practise now.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Week #3

this week was a bit fast. i made it to school each day so that was good. I also wrote some lyrics this week which I got to use yesterday when I recorded 3 tracks. My fender guitar was recently stolen. I was able to find a friend who was nice enough to lend me a spare guitar. I got it home and realized that the bridge was lifted off of the face of the guitar.  So I loosened all the strings and I am waiting to find someone to fix the bridge. I am enjoying the IMC@
SLC course very much.

Friday, February 10, 2012

the week @ IMC@SLC and more

this week i have acomplished quite a few things. I started going to St.Lawrence College for the dual credit focus program IMC@SLC. the course is great. one of the wonderful things we get to do in this course is ....... wait for it.......... can i get a drumroll????............NO????!!!!!! ok.....WE GET TO RE-BRAND IMC@SLC's name. today in class we all made "Brochures,or Pamphlets". as Mr. Colburn emphasized throughout the class.. I also recorded two tracks for my other past time as "Jak Stunna" on and ....I actuallyhave not yet upladed either of the tracks I mentioned earlier... i wil do that right after this is posted " !!!WARNING!!!  TEACHERS AND PROFFESORS, DO NOT LISTEN OR VIEW THESE PAGES THEY CONTAIN EXPLICIT LANGUAGE" ....anyways. the course at SLC is very good and has made me think more about a career in business and media production/etc... and maybe have a restaraunt when im older and skilled enough and settled down in lifeand have my priorities straight... i have to go now i am posting those tracks and then visiting the cutest nephew in the world and my sister for dinner


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